SCBA's Used vs New, cost comparison

So your debating on purchasing New SCBA’s vs Used SCBA’s. So lets dive into the debate with some simple figures. We will not figure in flow tests or hydro tests in figures due to those being a constant whether you purchase new or used.

  • 1 NEW SCBA w/ 2 cylinders and 1 mask per SCBA. $7k average
    • Cost of ownership breakdown based on 15yr service life.
      • Per year cost of ownership. $80 annual service and batteries. $80 x 15yrs. $1200
      • Cylinder hydro every 5 years, $20 per test per cylinder. $80 lifetime cylinder cost.
      • Per day cost of ownership, Based on 15yrs. $7k initial cost, annual costs $1200, Cylinder hydro $80. So lifetime cost of a new SCBA is estimated at $8280.
      • $8280 divided by 15yrs. is $552 per year.
      • At 15 year you will now have to make the decision to continue using the 15yr old SCBA’s and purchasing all new cylinders at $2k or purchasing all new equipment again at $7-8k


  • 1 USED SCBA w/ 2 cylinders w/ 10yrs of life remaining and 1 mask per SCBA. $1500
    • Cost of ownership breakdown based on 10yrs service life.
      • Per year cost of ownership. $80 annual service and batteries. $80 x 10. $800. 
      • Lifetime repairs estimated $1500
      • $3800 cost of ownership in a 10yr cycle or $380 per year.
        • By basing this on 10yr service life. Your dept. can update your SCBA’s to the next level of NFPA compliance every 10yrs. So your departments SCBA’s will be progressively upgraded on a routine basis.